Micus Real Time Software Inc.

Micus Real Time Software

Products: Telephony Switch Monitor

A typical telephony switch generates a lot of event reports and sends them to a serial printer. Every day you get a stack of paper, with important messages about the equipment faults buried amongst pages and pages of non-critical information. Wouldn’t it be nice to filter only the mission critical events?

The event reports from a typical switch are seldom user-friendly. To decipher them quite often requires frequent references to the printed documentation, which typically contains explanations for the error codes, abbreviations, and so on. Wouldn’t you prefer to rephrase those cryptic messages into clear and simple text all personnel will immediately understand?

You can learn about equipment failures only by reading the printout. If your switch is unattended overnight or over the weekend, a mission critical equipment failure will wait until the next business day to be discovered. Wouldn’t you prefer to get a pager message as soon as an alarm is detected?

Normally, working from a printout, you manage your equipment repairs manually. You fill in a work order form, give it to one of your technicians and then follow up on a daily basis. The technician tracks down site documentation and equipment repair procedures through a shelf of binders and manuals. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to automate this process?

As a solution we offer a Micus Alarm and Control System application that specifically addresses fault management for the telephony switches and PBXes. It automates, simplifies and optimizes the entire process of receiving alarms, presenting them on the screen, archiving them, alerting personnel, and managing the equipment repairs using trouble tickets.

For more information on Telephony Switch Monitor features please refer to the brochure available on our Downloads page.


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